Grayson Dramatically Improves Defense Bill on House Floor

Press Release

Date: July 23, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Alan Grayson (FL-09) passed five amendments today to H.R. 2397 the "Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014'. Four of Grayson's amendments were included in an "en bloc' amendment, which was supported by both Republicans and Democrats.

One Grayson amendment prohibits torture by the U.S. military and defines "torture' by statute. "This amendment makes the intent of Congress clear; it makes the law clear: We. Don't. Torture. The United States military is prohibited from torturing any human being, at home or abroad," Grayson said.

Another Grayson amendment increased funding for research of Gulf War Illness by 50%. This illness affects more than one-third of the nation's veterans who served in the first Gulf War. Grayson's amendment increases the Defense Health Program Account by $10 million, and will fund research focused on identifying a cure for Gulf War Illness. The amendment passed unanimously by a voice vote.

Grayson's third amendment increased funding for prostate cancer research under the Defense Health Program by $10 million. Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of male cancer-related deaths in the United States.

Grayson also passed an amendment that prevents the federal government from contracting with corporations that have been convicted of fraud, embezzlement, theft, forgery, tax evasion, bribery, or violations of federal or state law in connection with obtaining public contracts. Grayson has passed four similar amendments attached to four other bills this year.

As the U.S. draws down two wars overseas, Grayson's final amendment ensures there are no excessive increases in flag or general officers in the military. His amendment places a cap on the number of flag and general officers employed by the military. It has been estimated that each general costs American taxpayers more than $1 million in support staff.
